Larry Page: This is a time
Mr. Schmidt will remain executive chairman and serve as adviser to Mr. Page and Sergey Brin, the other company co-founder and its president of technology.
The shake-up, which will take effect April 4, is the biggest change in management at the company since Mr. Schmidt joined as chief executive in 2001.
Mr. Page had been serving as the company's president of products.
In a blog post, Mr. Schmidt said Mr. Page would “merge Google’s technology and business vision,” while he would focus on external issues, like “deals, partnerships, customers and broader business relationships.”
Mr. Schmidt said the three executives would continue to collaborate on major decisions, but that the changes would help clarify the individual roles so “there’s clear responsibility and accountability at the top of the company.”
On his Twitter account, Mr. Schmidt, who was widely described as “adult supervision” for the two young founders when he was named chief executive, wrote: “Day-to-day adult supervision is no longer needed.”
The shake-up comes as Google, while continuing to dominate the world of Internet search and advertising, has struggled in some areas, especially social networking, where the rise of Facebook has become the most real threat to Google in years.
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